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At SID, we’re interested in your opinions on organ donation and transplant issues. We have our own opinions too. And along with publishing our opinions, we want to hear from all of the stakeholders in the donation and transplant community.

From time-to-time, we will publish our thoughts and those who agree and disagree with us. We want transparency in the life-saving systems we all rely on. You can reach us at: hello@scienceindonation.org.



Science in Donation and Transplant
By Science in Donation

Adam Zagorin’s latest piece of propaganda in support of new organ donation rules castigates the non-profits charged by congress to recover organs in the United States.

His piece published on the Project on Government Oversight (POGO) website recklessly draws false conclusions. We do not know if ignorance, misguidedness, or profit motivated Mr. Zagorin’s rant. We at Science in Donation would like to call out the falsities in the POGO piece


New Federal Rule on Organ Transplants Puts S.C. Lives at Risk

The Times and Democrat

Spartansburg, SC
Daniel L. Gardner Editor’s Choice

Science in Donation & Transplant (SID&T), the New Jersey-based non-profit devoted to the support and education of members and stakeholders in the donation and transplant communities, is continuing to sound the alarm on …


Science in Donation and Transplant’s Response HHS Sec. Becerra’s Letter

Science in Donation and Transplant
By Steve Lenox

In his November 2 letter to Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), Secretary Becerra specifically addressed, and ultimately rejected, a proposal by Wyden and 11 of his Congressional colleagues, to accelerate implementation of the 2020 rule. …