Dear Mr. Correa:
Science in Donation and Transplant was formed to advocate on behalf of evidence-based policies and science-guided improvements to the U.S. organ and tissue donation and transplant system -- a system that is already the world’s best. The U.S. organ transplant system is designed to work with family members, physicians, and hospitals in connection with approximately 24,500 medically suitable deaths per year to give each family and donor the chance to leave a life-saving legacy. It is difficult, compassionate, and life-saving work. Last year was the 13th consecutive year the US broke records for the number of deceased donations. More than 46,600 organ transplants were performed, with 36,679 from deceased donors (also a record), an increase of 8.9% over 2022. This data is publicly available on Federal OPTN and SRTR websites.
There is much more good news about the US organ transplant system. Out of every 10,000 deaths in the United States, 52 of the decedent's donate at least one organ – the highest donation performance rate in the world. In Canada, that figure is 26 organ donors per 10,000 deaths; in Germany, it’s 9. In the US, there are 160 transplants per million population; once again, the highest rate in the world. In France, there are 101 per million; in Brazil, it’s 45. Moreover, the US leads the world in the rate of donation growth. From 2017-22, the rate of donation growth in Europe has been flat, while the US rate has risen 24%. This data is available on the Global Observatory on Donation and Transplant (GODT) website.
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