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Legislative Initiatives

Organ donation and transplantation policy includes both Federal and State-level policy and legislative initiatives.

Click through below to see the synopsis of SID&T promoted Federal legislation. Additionally, we have distributed model State legislation to protect the vital non-profit nature of donation. Finally see the State and City Council resolutions passed at SID&T’s urging that support true reform.

Federal Legislative Initiatives

Federal Legislation Synopsis:

•    Create a Committee of Accreditation

• Committee of Accreditation now will evaluate and certify OPO’s.

•    Must be a 501(c)(3) independent non-profit accreditation organization that is recognized as a nationwide accrediting body for health care organizations.

•  Will be granted deeming authority by CMS.

•    Ensure OPO’s are 501(c)(3)s

•  Protect against the insertion of profit motive in approaching grieving families and recovering donated gifts and maintaining transparency in the process.

•    Amend the measurements that are used to evaluate OPO’s

•    Eliminates use of surrogate or disputed comparative numerical data, instead mandating and assessing OPO adherence to scientifically proven, quality-driving and action-oriented best practices, bringing OPOs into line with other entities within the health care system.

State Legislative Initiatives

The gift of a human organ for transplant is a uniquely precious gift. It is the most personal and sensitive gift a person can make, and it is literally a gift of life, from the donor to the desperately ill recipient.  Needless to say, these gifts must be recovered with maximum sensitivity, discretion and skill and never for profit. 

The nation’s long-standing community based non-profit organ procurement system, the envy of the world, is under assault from private forces and profiteers.  It must be protected.