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Federal Legislative Initiatives

A Federal legislative solution provides a peer-reviewed science based effective answer to the current chaotic situations surrounding the governing Rule. To promote and nurture the world’s leading donation and transplant system requires scientifically sound and medically logical performance metrics. This most sensitive of health care services requires that non-profit community-based organ donation be governed in the most effective manner possible.

Federal Legislation Synopsis

  • Create a Committee of Accreditation

    • Committee of Accreditation now will evaluate and certify OPO’s.

    • Must be a 501(c)(3) independent non-profit accreditation organization that is recognized as a nationwide accrediting body for health care organizations.

    • Will be granted deeming authority by CMS.

  • Ensure OPO’s are 501(c)(3)s

    • Protect against the insertion of profit motive in approaching grieving families and recovering donated gifts, and maintaining transparency in the process.

  • Amend the measurements that are used to evaluate OPO’s

    • Eliminates use of surrogate or disputed comparative numerical data, instead mandating and assessing OPO adherence to scientifically proven, quality-driving and action-oriented best practices, bringing OPOs into line with other entities within the health care system.

    • Performance measures that are based on practices and procedures that have demonstrably improved rates of organ donor designation, organ donation authorization, hospital collaboration, donor management, organ recovery, organ perfusion, and organ transportation and delivery.

    • Performance measures that achieve racial and cultural equity in donation.

    • Performance measures that include the recovery of organs and tissues for research, education and therapeutic use.

    • Performance measures that incorporate relevant recommendations from the NASEM report.

  • Mandate DHS to establish standardized data collection requirements for donor hospitals, OPOs and transplant centers.

  • Mandate DHS to provide training to OPO’s on ways to measure and eliminate inequities in opportunities to donate organs.